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We can make it easier for search engines to analyze content and deliver results that are the most relevant to searchers’ needs. As a result, SEOs who focus on creating the valuable content people are searching for will be uniquely positioned to benefit from the impact of big data on SEO
Here’s the thing: your site should be mobile-friendly. In fact, this might just be your number one priority. If you want to improve your mobile SEO, you have to improve the performance of your site, plus you have to make sure that it offers users an excellent mobile experience.
Do you know if your keyword research and optimization efforts are working? When you’re running a website that relies on revenue from search engine traffic, then being able to track specific keywords is critical. Sure, they’re only one part of the SEO puzzle, but it’s important to know how they’re performing.
First things first. Conversion isn’t SEO. Conversion is an end of the user journey on your website. It’s not the end, as that customer could come back and start a new part of the journey. Conversion can be improved by good SEO, that much is true if you.
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